The art of death


This city, these buildings, we even have a courthouse… We are told this is our escape from nature. Freeing us from the constant war we’d live in. Sure the lights are pretty but nothing changed. We still live in a state of war… I recognize that.

Captain America: The Last Avenger

An exploration into how far First Ave. Film could push our scope, talent, and nonexistent budget to produce a short film. By far our biggest production yet, the film follows a seasoned Captain America, in a world where most, if not all of the Avengers have been killed. Forced to protect his city, Captain America juggles grief and insurmountable threats.

Filmmaker based in San Diego, CA

Focused mostly on Directing, Writing, and Editing. Occasionally dabbling in Cinematography and Acting as well.

Photographer, focusing on local music, clothing, and commercial work.

Social media manager for The Good Life Abroad.

Founder of First Ave. Films.

Occasional Grip, AC, or Associate Producer for Peppermint Films.